Friday, February 8, 2013

Colorism in the Media

Throughout the media, colorism is displayed. Many dark skinned celebrities bleach their skin or do whatever is necessary to make their skin even just a shade lighter than what it already is. Many light skinned celebrities are always going tanning or using all different types of tanning sprays and/or makeup to get a "healthy glow" or a certain kind of "beach tan". Most people, celebrities and non celebrities, are never fully satisfied with their skin color. 

In this video, Fair & Lovely Fairness Ad, a high sense of colorism is shown. It tells of a woman who is slightly dark skinned, uses this product, and is left being four skin shades lighter than she was before all in only four weeks! She also includes at the end of the commerical that her "life has changed" and then proceeds to ask "has yours?" By saying these words at the end of the commercial she is implying to the viewers that her life has changed positively from using this miraculous product that has drastically lightened her skin in such a short amount of time. She is using it, it worked for her, so why isn't everyone else using it? The company is so confident in themselves that it works that they guarantee your money back if it doesn't work for you so why wouldn't you try it? This commercial also shows her "new face" on the front of a magazine. This is implying to the audience that because her skin is lighter she is becoming more famous, became prettier, is getting attention, and is getting noticed more. This is a prime example of media showing viewers and even almost pressuring them into using this product. Celebrities use it and get good results so you should too. I personally do not understand why dark skinned people want light skin and why light skinned people want dark skin. All shades of skin are beautiful and it is a good thing to be unique with yours; however, the media doesn't think so.

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