Tuesday, May 7, 2013

My Final Research Survey And Results

I accomplished my survey research with the help of my family members. I asked five questions to four people so I was asking four people per question who they think the victim was. I asked five questions and gave three options of people per question. The first question I asked was who committed the murder and used the Latino female, white male, and black male as options. The second question I asked was who is the prettiest and used the Asian female, white female, and black female as options. The third question I asked was who attacked the college student for his iPhone 5 and used the options white male, white female, and Arab male. The fourth question I asked was who helped grandma bring her groceries to the car and used the options black male, Latino male, and Latino female. The fifth and last question I asked was who robbed a bank and shot three people while doing this and used the options Asian female, white male, and Arab male. I asked my brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents, cousins, and friends what they thought and recorded it. All the results summarized that older people are less open to dark colored people and more judgmental of them than younger people. Also, not only does color have to do with the choices they made, but so does gender. No one chose a female for the third question which was who attacked the college student for his iPhone 5 which may be leaning towards sexism because it is assumed that a male would be more likely to do this. Also, with question number four, who helped grandma bring her groceries to the car, the people who I questioned chose all females and no males. Another observation from my results include how the Asian female was not chosen for any of my questions by any of the people who participated in my research survey. This was a very interesting survey to take part in. I concluded from the results that it depends on the age and the gender of how someone may be looked at or judged. People need to be open to diversity and moving forward from those long ago, dreadful slave days! 

-Latino female, white male, or black male

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