Thursday, April 18, 2013

Final Research Plan on Colorism

As I have previously posted my plans for my survey research, not much has changed in my plan. I plan to get a group of people of all different ages, genders, and races. I will ask them questions and their answers will be chosen by them based their opinions on the pictures I show them. I will show them three pictures per question. I will question the group of people separately to make sure none of their answers influence each others'. These people will be given three pictures of three different people of different genders, different ages, and different skin tones. I will ask the groups members questions such as "Who committed the murder?" or "Who is the most attractive?" These types of questions will be answered by the group of people who I chose to question. I plan to question people from all different age groups, genders, and races. I plan to question a male and female from several age groups of different races. I think this research plan will be successful. It will be accurate and my plan will represent all different types of age groups and genders. The results to my survey research plan will show generally whether colorism is still fluent and vibrant in today's society in 2013. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Survey Research

My research plan is survey research. My plan for this type of research is to get a group of people at separate times and give them three pictures of people per question. These people will not be celebrities. They will be three different people with different looks and different skin tones. I will ask my client a question such as "Who committed the murder?" "Who is the most successful singer?" and "Who is the most attractive?" These types of questions will be answered by my client by choosing one of my three pictures that I give them to choose from. These answers will hopefully be consistent in terms of getting a solid result. I hope that my clients stay away from any form of colorism, and speak their true opinion that is not based on someone's skin color. I think this strategy and research plan will be successful because I am getting opinions from all different people; not only one specific group. I am getting results from young people, old people, girls, boys, men, and women.